
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Games and Puzzles

From the past generation to the modern society people have been using puzzles and games to not only enjoy themselves but to also learn. Puzzles and games indeed serve important educational functions in the lives of our children. Rather than watch TV it is recommended that children use their playtime unraveling puzzles. Puzzles and other board games equip children with very important skills necessary for success in school.

Puzzles assist children to learn how to solve problems. By trying to fix a puzzle the children will be learning the value of flexible thinking and persistence. Their fine motor skills for instance are sharpened by manipulating the pieces and fitting them in their proper places. The children will also learn skills such as deductive reasoning, inference and the fact that whole objects are made up of parts. There are large piece puzzles which could be on wood or heavy cardboard. These toys are most suitable for the pre-schooler because they help provide practice with eye/hand coordination, fine motor skills as well as problem solving. Smaller puzzles help develop previous concepts in regard to pattern, color and picture matching. This is perfect in helping develop strategies for tasks, a crucial factor in the learning process. Board games also assist kids develop problem solving skills. Board games as a matter of fact require interaction with other people and therefore children are bound to learn the importance of taking turns, sharing and winning as well as losing. In playing to win the kids learn the relevance of strategy. Games with dice help children to become numerically superior. Playing boards is indeed fun for children even as they learn how to count and design strategies. Some popular board games include ‘Candy Land’, ‘Sorry’, and ‘Parchesi’ among others. The value of games and puzzles are further developed if parents and teachers are involved in the children’s play.


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