
Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Advantages of E-Business

The main benefit of e-business to any business is in the greasing up of the overall business process. The technology is merely the enabling medium. A cross section of the main features, advantages and benefits ( FAB's in marketing parlance) of the technology is shown below:

  • Fast and efficient communications.
  • Optimized access to markets along with much enhanced marketing strengths
  • 24/7 operating times
  • Ability to access research and conduct in-house research
  • Streamlining and thus lowering the overall cost of doing business

Having the chance to grasp new, innovative business strategies and models and provide much enhanced customer support and thereby secure maximum customer satisfaction.

These are but a few of the more general FAB's. There are many others that are more market and niche specific, also there are those that can be generated by an imaginative marketing executive or entrepreneurial business principal.


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